Refund Policy
Here is our Refund Policy Details:
Fees and Changes
SMTPmart can change our fees at any time by updating the fee structure on our website or sending you an email notification.
Account Cancellation
If you break any terms of this agreement, we can cancel your account or block access without giving a refund.
Payment Issues
If we can’t process your credit card payment, we will email you and suspend your account until the payment is complete.
Payment Responsibility
You agree to pay for all emails sent from your account, even if they are blocked by third parties (like email servers, spam filters, or ISPs that we do not control).
Email Credits
For all email plans (including reseller plans), your email credits will not expire. However, if you don’t log into your account for 2 months, your account and data may be permanently deleted.
Performance Guarantee
SMTPmart does not guarantee any specific open rates or link clicks, as these depend on your database and content.
Email and SMS Plans
We do not allow conversion of email credits to SMS credits or vice versa, as they are different services.
Refund Policy
We do not offer refunds on discounted or offer plans. However, we have a 2-day refund policy. If you are not happy with our service, you can request a refund within 2 days of your order. You should not have used more than 5% of the email credits. We will refund 50% of your total payment within 90 days (this does not apply to bulk SMS purchases).